I’ve still got it!

I’ve still got it!

It’s cute how young kids assume grownups have answers

What’s the last question a kid asked that made you scratch your head? Yesterday, my 6-year-old asked me, “What’s the difference between a hurricane and a spinning one?” I knew by “spinning one” she meant a tornado because even I know that a tornado spins.  But for the life of me, I couldn’t even begin to come up with an answer. 

So yours truly said, “Hmm, I don’t know. Let’s find out together.” Then I gave myself kudos :). In one fell swoop, I modeled that even parents are still learners and got out of admitting that she might know more about weather than I.

It’s less cute how tweens think they have all the answers 

Now 6-year-olds are not a tough crowd. Tweens are the kryptonite to parental self-worth.  These three-quarters baby and one-quarter adult combo beings are going through massive biological and social changes. And they manifest their internal turmoil by behaving like they know everything.  

Have you recently been in a debate with a tween? They know things you have long ago learnt and then forgotten.  And they don’t let you forget that! 

You’ve still got it!

Let’s just say, there are times every parent needs to remind the kids that have been alive longer counts for something. What better reminder that you are indeed wiser than when you sail in and shed light on something that has stumped them? 

Newsflash: The internet is not just for Zoom calls, depressing news, and social media. The internet is your ally in making you a whiz on any topic. Here are some tips on how to use it to impress your kids. 

The internet can make you a Just-in-Time expert on any topic

The internet is like having the solution key to everything! You can find a video that will explain the same concept six different ways to Sunday.  One of them is bound to make sense to you.  Then take your new understanding of that one thing and casually explain it to the child –  as if you knew it and everything else they are struggling with.

Math is now a subject you can crush

It’s sad to pass on our anxieties to our kids.  So you weren’t good at math then. This is now. 

Don’t say, ‘You know math is not my thing’ and turn them away. Instead, blow their socks off with how you seem to know how to do everything they are stuck on. Ask them, “So what’re you doing in math now.”  Then while you’re sitting on the toilet or riding the metro or in your car, listen to a tutorial on the topic. You’ll be ready when they come to you.

Social Sciences don’t need to be an embarrassment

Look, geopolitics are changing.  Don’t start an international incident by telling your kids the wrong capital.  You can quickly get refreshers on the internet. 

It is so mind-bogglingly easy to do yet so high reward to see the wonder and respect on your kid’s face.  Who happens to know the capital of Nepal? You that’s who!  

Refresh your knowledge on physical sciences

After so many years, who can name the steps of the metamorphosis of tadpoles to a frog? 

Don’t create mutant creatures. Be just a tiny step ahead of your child and watch a quick video or two and seem intelligent. 

So let’s wrap things up with this reminder.  The internet is essentially a free solution set you have at your fingertips. It’s easy to become a whiz on the topic just in time to help your kid out,  impress them, and maybe even get them to learn more about it. Think of it as one of the perks of adulting that you’ve got this wisdom on your side now.