Kids and Digital

This podcast doesn’t lie when they say ‘We consider it our business to recognize a few folks you may not know’. (Btw, they also said, ‘the past is vast and wild’) You’d be surprised about the wonderous people and events from recent history that you haven’t the foggiest about. Your kids will love it and will definitely be much more interesting than you as they listen and learn about all these events.   As podcasts go, this is one everyone from grade 1 and above can enjoy and go ‘Wow, I didn’t know that!’  You can get it anywhere you get your podcasts and at this nifty free link.

Who, When, Wow!

This podcast doesn’t lie when they say ‘We consider it our business to recognize a ...

This free website is the official website for the awesome Australian kids tv show Bluey. ...

This free resource is just the thing to soothe the excitement and anxiety of back ...

Nat Geo Kids Channel

This free resource is from the trusted folks at National Geographic. It's the kids magazine ...

Each day, there's a 'wonder of the day', typically a question from a kid, that ...
Happy girl having summer fun and learning

Stretch summer Fun into Function

Summer is prime time for knowledge slide Ah Summer!  Warm weather, vacations, relaxation and rejuvenation ... 

This week's gem is like a million digital gems rolled into one link. And the ...

Highlights Hidden picture game

This free resource is one of many resources on There's a paid version which ...


This amazing and yet free resource for current events and stories is what we all ...
You know a podcast with a name that plays on toilet humor really gets kids. Who Smarted? is one of the rare gems that is as high on the ‘edu’ as it is on the ‘tainment’. Did you know that frogs shed their skins like snakes – and then eat it!? I didn’t think so. Trusty Narrator drops knowledge on kids ages 5 – 10 (and you!) and they’ll beg to listen to more. This is a gem you can set and forget and feel awesome about. Listen on car rides to keep bickering at bay or let the kids go to town themselves by putting this in their Aneta Homeroom.

Greeking out from Natgeokids

This free kids podcast comes from National Geographic kids. Every superhero story we have today ...
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