Circle Round Podcast

This free resource turns spelling practice into fun the kids actually want to do. The free tier has several dozen games that will bring out a kid’s competitive streak. There is also a paid tier that has even more variety.

Practice…the magical spell for learning to spell 🙂

Circle Round Podcast

This free podcast “adapts folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3 to 103”.  I couldn’t say it any better than they have.  It has won every award from Parents’ Choice to Webby nominations but the most important award it will win is the approval of your family.

It is uniquely chill for an engaging kids podcast. It is as great for a car ride in the morning as it is for bed time wind down. The stories are beyond fascinating and titillate the senses all while teaching messages of kindness, problem solving and other good stuff folktales teach. This is screen time – without the screen – you can truly feel good about.

Schedule this digital gem for your kiddo in Aneta today!

There’s a gem for every jam. Check out more gems over here

Best online resources (websites, podcasts, games, and more!) for kids ages 2 to 10