

What do you Wonder?


This free resource is a dream for anyone looking for a way to let kids (safely!) explore any topic that interests them.

Each day, there’s a ‘wonder of the day’, typically a question from a kid, that is explored and answered with videos, articles and pictures. The content is aligned to K – 12 curriculum and is specifically built to titillate curious minds of every age. It does require literacy so it’s best for 3rd grade readers and above to explore on their own.  If you’ve got the will, anyone K and above will find something they connect with. This is one resource you can set and forget – like a loyal crockpot. It is screen time you can truly feel good about.

Schedule this digital gem for your kiddo in Aneta today!

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Best online resources (websites, podcasts, games, and more!) for kids ages 2 to 10