Similarities between kids loving the dentist and how to encourage your child to love learning. Taking lessons from why some kids love going to the dentist to help kids to love learning
Because fun jams are in, no matter the season. Hopscotch Channel YouTube & YouTube Kids Happy New Year Folks! Hey, it’s hard for all of us to switch out of…
Some rabbit holes are good and give your kids a chance to get lost in topics and activities that they would never otherwise have looked at. Learn how to use screen time to learn.
During the summer break, without the structure of school days, screens invariably get a bigger role in most kids’ days. We’ve got some ideas of kids digital activities in summer.
Stories from parents who found that their digital parenting fails were actually parenting hails in disguise. That ‘useless’ thing they are doing may be Educational screen time for kids!
Mark Rober Channel or This free youtube channel features the antics and experiments of Mark Rober, a former NASA engineer who lives and breathes to make science and…