If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them!

kids learning games online
Using learning games online for kids

Sometimes there are kids shows, music, or games that just rub you the wrong way – parents are people too and we have our unexplainable annoyances. Maybe there’s a character who you can’t stand, or a song that becomes an ear worm and tortures you by playing over and over in your head every time you hear it.  As Murphy’s law will have it, sometimes your kids’ fall in love with exactly these things. We spoke to some veteran parents to learn how they handle such situations when saying, “Because I said so,” doesn’t cut it.

Making the Best out Of Annoying Digital Content Your Kids Love

The “How could my parents let me watch this!” mishap 

Background: A parent got her kids excited about a show that she watched as a child.

Realization: The favorite character was actually a sassy meanie she couldn’t stand.

Smooth save: Allow the kids to watch the show as much as they want – in Spanish!

A mom hyped up a show that she had beautiful nostalgic memories of watching when she was around the same age as her 7 and 9 year olds.  The plan was for hours of bonding time rewatching and sharing the experience with her kids. The reality was slight horror to realize the main character was someone she now disliked intensely and worried her kids would emulate.  But of course, like she had fallen when she was a child, her kids fell in love with the show and she was in too deep to do an about face and disappear the show from their line up. 

Take Away Unsavory Digital Content without A Fight

How did she salvage the situation to make the show bearable?  Her kids were learning Spanish at school and so she made a deal with them that they could continue watching the show so long as they watched it in Spanish. This way, the kids got to watch the show after all and she could rest better knowing they were practicing their Spanish and probably not understanding all that was truly going on.  Spanish got practiced way more –  kids will even watch a show they can’t quite understand to feel like they’re winning!

The “How can Disney make such a bad song!” blunder 

Background: We all know Disney makes bomb music

Realization: Disney also apparently makes music that is not so bomb to everyone

Smooth save: Ask the kids to learn the dance routine to the song 

This mom had noticed that the themes in Disney music and shows have become more empowering and gladly sat with the kids to watch music videos from teeny bop Disney stars.  All the music was thematically on point but the very one that she couldn’t stand the most became her 6 and 10 year olds’ favorite!  The song itself is not so bad but if you hear it 3 times a day and 10 times on weekends, your impressions will sour.

Make an Earworm Bearable

How did she spare her mood?   The music video came with some rather rigorous dance moves so the mom told her kids that they had to learn the dance routine if they were going to listen to the song so much. They found a video tutorial online (everything is online) and learned the steps. Now the kids are happy listening to their bad song and Mama is happy because they get up and do a rather complicated dance routine.  Who says digital makes you a couch potato?

The “Whoever created this, I hope they catch them,” case 

Background: Video games can teach problem solving even if not directly educational

Realization: This game is harmless but teaches them nothing

Smooth save: Offer time on the game as a reward when the kids least expect it 

Screentime is an always-there child minder and real life today calls for it for many of us. This mom leans on screen time but she is very much bought into productive screen time (aka games, videos, websites and apps that keep kids engaged, intrigued, questioning, and having fun all while they’re learning).  She realized that her kids’ new game, which ironically she had introduced to them from a learning app, was not helping them learn anything new. But we know what you don’t want is what the kids love.

Use Video Game Time to Reward Kids for Good Behavior

How did these reconcile? Mama did not banish the game – because if you do that, that will only make it more desirable. She used it as a reward to incentivize them.   Shower and get dressed in 10 minutes? You get 15 minutes of game time.   Don’t squirm while I do your hair, another 10 minutes of game time.  Be kind to your little brother, 15 minutes of game time.  That game was like candy without the calories and she actually got a lot of cooperation out of it. She still was very irritated by the theme music though.

Are you finding yourself in the face of some annoying digital content your kids love?  All’s not lost. Because despite being annoyed, with smooth saves who’s winning. You;)  (and the kids too of course).

1 Comment

  1. Irene

    This is awsome! Would have never thought of some of these smooth saves

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