Podcast for kids

Forever Ago Podcast

Podcasts are screen time without an actual screen 😉 Forever Ago Podcast This free podcast brings alive the stories of things around us that seem ordinary today but whose intriguing…
Smile and Learn Channel

Smile and Learn Channel

Curricular learning enveloped in fun Smile and Learn Channel Youtube & Youtubekids.com This free channel is from the creators of smileandlearn.com an award winning (paid) learning platform focused on math,…
Mnemonics online

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

We know that mnemonics online are available to be found very easily. Let’s talk about when it makes the most sense to make the effort to get them to help your kids learn.
Storyline Online Channel

Storyline Online Channel

Movie stars you'll recognize. Read-alouds everyone will love. Storyline Online Channel Youtube & Youtubekids.com This free channel features celebrated actors you'll be tickled to see reading children's books brought alive…
NASA SpacePlace

NASA SpacePlace

Who said the sky is the limit? NASA SpacePlace This free website may turn your kiddo into a space lover, or at least arouse curiosity about what is beyond the…
Art For Kids Hub Channel

Art For Kids Hub Channel

Screen time that makes you do IRL Art For Kids Hub Channel Youtube & Youtubekids.com This free channel is hosted by father of 4 and artist Rob who has been…
kids learning games online

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them!

Are you finding yourself faced with annoying online digital content your kids love? Learn the smooth saves that helped other parents to win. Here are some tips to create productive screen time for kids.
Online activities for kids

Irl & Digital Go Together Like Peanut Butter & Jelly

With the entrancing power of screen time, it’s a chore for parents and caregivers to tear kids away from digital and get them to want to do real life things. Good thing digital can help cure this ailment it has caused. Here’s how to encourage in Real-Life Activities for Kids.