Online activities for kids

What does the giraffe say?

Our access to knowledge today would be mind-boggling for even Einstein (and he had a big mind!). This power is your secret weapon for fanning the flame of curiosity in kids. Here are some practical tips for busy parents to find digital resources for kids.

Fun ways for kids to use their noodle. This free website is chock-full of every type of activity - educational video games, worksheets, crafts, experiments, and our special favorites,…
Screen time for kids

Just Dance (and Other Things Too)!

Don’t we wish we could always send the kids out to play?  All that physical activity is great for them in more ways than scientific knowledge today can probably describe.…
Kids learning online

Tiny Drops of Water Make the Mighty Ocean

It doesn’t have to be a huge pain, exhausting, frustrating and draining to achieve a goal to support your kids learning at home. Here are some tips that make it compatible with real-life learning for kids.
Podcast for kids

The Big Life Kids Podcast

Like screen time but without the screen 😊 The Big Life Kids Podcast This free podcast is a service of which has printables, posters, journals and other materials on…
what to do when childcare falls

Lessons in Being Prepared from Squirrels

You have a to-do list of the length of the Nile and then suddenly on top of that, the childcare plans you were relying on unexpectedly fall through. The dread! Here are some parenting hacks to use when this happens
Tinga Tinga Tales

Tinga Tinga Tales

Mellow out to some tall tales from Africa! Tinga Tinga Tales This free channel will transport your kiddos to a land full of exciting tales and African folklore created for…
how take a break as a parent

How Bad Can It Be?

Thanks to website blockers and various ‘child-friendly’ settings, the typical parent doesn’t have to worry about extreme danger from kids being on screens. However, a lot of content for kids is not particularly useful. So how bad is it to let your kids have free rein? Hear what other parents have to say about how bad is screen time for kids.
Youtube for kids

Preschool Prep Company

Award-winning videos for way more than pre-school. Preschool Prep Company or This free channel's name is a misnomer because it has videos all the way to 5th grade.…