This free website is the official website for the awesome Australian kids tv show Bluey. It’s one of those shows that’s made for kids but is also wildly entertaining for grown ups. Picture watching the hilarity of parenting reflected through a family of super cute Blue Heeler dogs with Australian accents.

This free resource is just the thing to soothe the excitement and anxiety of back to school.   For preK - 1st graders, it’s superb for learning numbers and practicing gross motor skills - and helps them create art you actually want to stick up on the fridge. For everyone else, it’s just calming fun.   This resource is not going to make you or your kiddo Picasso. But it will probably make you both happy. This is screen time you can feel good about.
Nat Geo Kids Channel

Nat Geo Kids Channel

This free resource is from the trusted folks at National Geographic. It's the kids magazine you may have known and loved...but better.  Seriously, the kids will learn things that took you decades to appreciate - and they will be having fun while they do it.

Each day, there's a 'wonder of the day', typically a question from a kid, that is explored and answered with videos, articles and pictures. The content is aligned to K - 12 curriculum and is specifically built to titillate curious minds of every age. It does require literacy so it's best for 3rd grade readers and above to explore on their own.  If you’ve got the will, anyone K and above will find something they connect with. This is one resource you can set and forget - like a loyal crockpot. It is screen time you can truly feel good about.
Happy girl having summer fun and learning

Stretch summer Fun into Function

Summer is prime time… for knowledge slide Ah Summer!  Warm weather, vacations, relaxation and rejuvenation :).  But also forgetting math skills, reading skills, historical events, scientific concepts, time management and… 

This week's gem is like a million digital gems rolled into one link. And the fact that it is free is mindblowing. You know that place where you go, to touch books who knows who has touched, walk through aisles to search for what you need, then possibly face a late fee if you don't go back?  Yes, you don't have to do that anymore. Libbyapp is used by 1000s of libraries in the US. You can get ebooks, audiobooks, magazines... it is freaking amazing. You can 'borrow' books and put the links in Aneta for your kiddos and feel like a Greek God - all without leaving your home.  This is screen time you can truly feel good about. 
Highlights Hidden picture game

Highlights Hidden picture game

This free resource is one of many resources on There's a paid version which has tons more pictures too if your kiddos cant get enough.  What's a hidden picture game you say? It's those busy pictures that have random objects hidden in plain sight. Look closely to find for example that the duck's wing is really a banana. Everyone loves that sense of satisfaction. This is screen time you can feel good about.


This amazing and yet free resource for current events and stories is what we all need.  When the CDC puts out guidelines on limiting watching the News to protect our mental health (yes they did!), you know things are bad. KidNuz manages to produce a daily newscast that is totally kid appropriate, informative, and entertaining to boot. You can listen directly on the website or anywhere podcasts are available. The website itself is a gem of news-related resources and quizzes for the kids. This is screen time you can feel truly good about. 
You know a podcast with a name that plays on toilet humor really gets kids. Who Smarted? is one of the rare gems that is as high on the ‘edu’ as it is on the ‘tainment’. Did you know that frogs shed their skins like snakes – and then eat it!? I didn’t think so. Trusty Narrator drops knowledge on kids ages 5 – 10 (and you!) and they’ll beg to listen to more. This is a gem you can set and forget and feel awesome about. Listen on car rides to keep bickering at bay or let the kids go to town themselves by putting this in their Aneta Homeroom.

Greeking out from Natgeokids

This free kids podcast comes from National Geographic kids. Every superhero story we have today is inspired by these Greek Myths so you know the kids (and you!) will be entertained.  The stories are recounted with kid-friendly redactions and are simply hilarious.  You can put the link in their Aneta Homeroom and let the kids go to town. Play Greeking out on every car ride and keep the peace and increase the wisdom.  This is screen time you can truly feel good about. 
An Ode to Kids’ Podcasts

An Ode to Kids’ Podcasts

Kids Podcasts are the biggest perk of parenting in the 21st Century This week, we’re letting you in on the most awesome, sanity preserving, pat on the back deserving and…