It’s ok for kids to be bored

It’s ok for kids to be bored

Sometimes kids truly can’t place the source of the unease in their bodies.  The claims of boredom may be a deep need for rest. The problem is if you respond with something enticing enough, a second wind may displace that rest.  So the next time you feel compelled to step between your child and boredom, try the most relaxing, soothing thing you can get away with first. 
Over Spoilt for Choice

Over Spoilt for Choice

Who has ever really needed 31 flavors of ice cream? Or 57 varieties of condiments? We have so many choices that going to the supermarket can bring about feelings that shouldn’t really be associated with buying groceries - inadequacy, unpreparedness, fear about the choice you’ve made, stress about what else you’re not making the best choice on. This week, we share some simple tips that will save kids from the tyranny of choice overload they can encounter with screen time. It’s simpler than you think.
“Don’t read like a robot”

“Don’t read like a robot”

Kids kill the messenger “Thank you for this helpful guidance which I will now graciously incorporate”, said no kid ever.  If you’ve ever been in the position of a grownup…
Gracie’s Corner on Youtube

Gracie’s Corner on Youtube

This free channel Youtube and Youtubes kids channel was created by Gracie's parents during the pandemic so that Gracie could see diverse people in the hours of screen time she no doubt started watching. It has jazzed up versions of nursery rhymes you'll recognize as well as many original songs focused on teaching fundamentals for pre K - 1st graders. If your little one likes super simple songs ( and or littlebabybum(, they'll probably love Gracie's corner. This is screen time you can feel good about.
Easy Come, Easy go… Just Easy

Easy Come, Easy go… Just Easy

It seems you you can have gain without pain Are you a bit skeptical of tearless shampoo?  You’ve probably learnt (the hard way) that respectable shampoo that sticks it to…
We can do Hard Things

We can do Hard Things

This week's tips and tricks come out of a conversation with an exceptionally qualified board of advisors on effective parenting - a 10 year old and a 6 year old. How do they psych themselves up to do hard things especially when they had a choice not to do them. As kids are wont to do, they shock you with their insight. The elegant simplicity of their answer was “because it's fun”. We are not saying everything in life has to be fun and enjoyable for a kid to do it. The point is making a hard thing fun does motivate us to do it - despite it being hard. So for kids learning or practicing newly acquired skills, here are some tactical ways you can use digital resources to help them do this particular hard thing.
Easy Kids Crafts

Easy Kids Crafts

Helping fine motor skills have their moment Easy Kids Crafts & YoutubeKids This free YouTube Channel is a gift that makes it possible to have quality crafting time with…
Share the LOVE!

Share the LOVE!

This week, we share some tactical ways to use Valentine’s day mania to advance the cause of getting kids to fall in love - with learning of course. Being part of the reason why a child falls in love with learning is a thrill. Plus, it automatically makes you better than any Cupid. Own that superpower - even if you have no desire to be in competition with a naked Cherub. So here’s some stuff you can do.
Shake well for best results

Shake well for best results

Vinaigrettes separate because they can’t help themselves. Frustratingly though, we are the ones who separate the internet by creating boxes around how kids use the internet like, “for fun”, “for school”, “for enrichment”, “for learning” etc. You wouldn’t ever just drink the layer of the oil on a salad dressing and leave all the other parts now would you? No, you’re not a savage. You mix it up to get that ‘best result’ intended. Same should go for your kids’ screen time. Since you can’t literally grab the hold of the sides of the internet and shake it, here are some practical tips on what to do to get these ‘best results’ for the kids.