Story Pirates

Story Pirates

This free podcast is a big deal - it is one of the top three kids and family podcasts in the world!  The Story Pirates collect stories written by kids and turn them into sketches or music for the stage. How awesome is it as a 5-year-old kid to see your story performed!  The stories are as hilarious, whimsical, thought-provoking, and ridiculous as only the minds of children can come up with

 Because you can't write essays with just emojis :) Save the children!!!! (From a future of slow pecks at the keyboard with random fingers and embarassing typos). This free…
New Dog. Old Tricks.

New Dog. Old Tricks.

This week, we have some practical tips to help you do a very hard thing. How to make kids screen time productive - aka fun and engaging but at the same time educational.

Prodigy Game

Waddles like a duck, Quacks like a duck but is not a duck Prodigy Game This resource is free to a point. Prodigy is a full-on video game except players…
A Moment of Um Podcast

A Moment of Um Podcast

This free podcast is from the award-winning producers of public radio content, American Public Media. Each episode is only 4 to 6 minutes long and answers a titillating question that makes you go ummmmmmm - like who made the first sandwich or why do people stop growing taller
New Year – Slightly Different You

New Year – Slightly Different You

Small changes are all you need to feel good about the kids' screen time “New Year. New You.” Inspiring but let’s be real - doesn’t that sound exhausting?! It takes…
Two Whats?! And a Wow

Two Whats?! And a Wow

This free science-based game show is a podcast from the award-winning creators of the "Wow in the world" podcasts and books.
Winter break is coming! What are your kids going to do all day?

Winter break is coming

Winter break is hardly a break with kids at home  It’s the time of year when you hear the song, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” more times…
Somebody’s watching you

Somebody’s watching you

Kids are equal opportunity imitators. They will copy the things you mean to model for them as well as those you think you’re doing out of sight. Yours truly loves to eat ice cream straight out of the tub to unwind after the kids are in bed. Guess who’s simple pleasure has been hijacked?  The kids suddenly started asking to eat their ice cream straight from the tub - and it's quite clear where they learned that.