Seeing is believing

Seeing is believing

We’ve got some videos and podcasts we think will show kids the possibilities.  Our world has big troubles but we also have some great perks.  You can impart great life lessons and all you have to do is lift a finger to click play.   Here are three categories of resources with some examples that you can casually insert into your kids' digital repertoire. They do the triple duty of entertaining, educating, and inspiring. 
Online activities for kids

What does the giraffe say?

Our access to knowledge today would be mind-boggling for even Einstein (and he had a big mind!). This power is your secret weapon for fanning the flame of curiosity in kids. Here are some practical tips for busy parents to find digital resources for kids.
Screen time for kids

Just Dance (and Other Things Too)!

Don’t we wish we could always send the kids out to play?  All that physical activity is great for them in more ways than scientific knowledge today can probably describe.…