

 Because you can't write essays with just emojis :) TurtleDiary.com Save the children!!!! (From a future of slow pecks at the keyboard with random fingers and embarassing typos). This free…

Prodigy Game

Waddles like a duck, Quacks like a duck but is not a duck Prodigy Game This resource is free to a point. Prodigy is a full-on video game except players…
A Moment of Um Podcast

A Moment of Um Podcast

This free podcast is from the award-winning producers of public radio content, American Public Media. Each episode is only 4 to 6 minutes long and answers a titillating question that makes you go ummmmmmm - like who made the first sandwich or why do people stop growing taller
Two Whats?! And a Wow

Two Whats?! And a Wow

This free science-based game show is a podcast from the award-winning creators of the "Wow in the world" podcasts and books.
Illuminated Films

Illuminated Films

Coming from the award-winning British animation studio Illuminated Films Company, Illuminated Films is a really boring name for a very exciting youtube channel.


This free website is perfect for long summer days. It boasts of being "the world's largest collection of free online coloring pages kids".
Hopscotch Songs Channel

Hopscotch Songs Channel

This free channel is from the makers of hopscotchsongs.com, a source of catchy educational songs covering various topics in math, geography, science, and literacy.
Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids Yoga

This free channel is a go-to for exercise for both the body and the mind. It uses storytelling and visually captivating backdrops from children's books, kids’ shows, and movies to hold their attention while encouraging them through various yoga and mindfulness exercises.