Online activities for kids

Irl & Digital Go Together Like Peanut Butter & Jelly

With the entrancing power of screen time, it’s a chore for parents and caregivers to tear kids away from digital and get them to want to do real life things. Good thing digital can help cure this ailment it has caused. Here’s how to encourage in Real-Life Activities for Kids.
Kids learning online

Tiny Drops of Water Make the Mighty Ocean

It doesn’t have to be a huge pain, exhausting, frustrating and draining to achieve a goal to support your kids learning at home. Here are some tips that make it compatible with real-life learning for kids.
what to do when childcare falls

Lessons in Being Prepared from Squirrels

You have a to-do list of the length of the Nile and then suddenly on top of that, the childcare plans you were relying on unexpectedly fall through. The dread! Here are some parenting hacks to use when this happens
how take a break as a parent

How Bad Can It Be?

Thanks to website blockers and various ‘child-friendly’ settings, the typical parent doesn’t have to worry about extreme danger from kids being on screens. However, a lot of content for kids is not particularly useful. So how bad is it to let your kids have free rein? Hear what other parents have to say about how bad is screen time for kids.
Healthy plate with fruits

Digital Diets for Kids

Many of us have developed digital habits that we know don’t serve us well. But here’s the shocker. There are kiddie versions of doomscrolling and losing yourself in 30 mins (okay, 1.5 hrs) on FaceBook, TikTok or YouTube each day. Here are some ways to help our kids to have healthy digital diets.
Lemons and Lemonade jugs

Turning Kids’ Screen Time Into Lemonade

There is no magic number of hours of kids' screen time that works for every family. But if you feel those tinges of guilt at times, then you are probably not feeling great about the amount of screen time. The great news is that everyone else is doing it. So chill and be kinder to yourself and turn those screen lemons into lemonade. Here is how.
Myth and facts about kids and the internet

Myths About Kids and The Internet

Is the Internet a dangerous place? Is using devices a waste of time? are all children digital natives? Some of the most common myths and facts about children and the…
Young girl on a tablet

Tips for Managing Kids and Digital

It is possible to give children screen time in a fun, educational, and safe way. Here are five simple steps to make it happen. Fun can be educational! Use screen time as building blocks for learning. Variety is key to keeping kids engaged and entertained. Throw in silliness and activities that are delightful. Kids will mimic what you do - model the screen time habits you want to see.