Benefits of sillines and how to use digital to get some

Serious benefits of silliness

We will share 3 digital resources that will immediately help you to infuse some silliness (that happens to also be educational) into your home. But first, did you know that being silly with your kids has some serious benefits to connecting with your kid?
A stitch in time saves nine

A stitch in time saves nine

A stitch in time saves nine  As delightful as needlework is, no one is doing any stitching here. If you’re not familiar with the proverb, it means, work today may…
Parents and kids are bound to sometimes disagree over screen time

Sitting in the yuck

Do you have arguments over your kids' screen time? We've got some tips to keep you on your toes when it comes to finding what's best for them even if it's not their favorite option.
How to support kids’ learning

Half a loaf is better than none 

Do you find that the content your little ones are watching is not educational enough? Give yourself some grace and remember that any educational content that helps them learn is better than nothing.
Make screen time to help your kids learning

Let’s Judo this.

Kids don't want to get away from the screen? It is possible to use their love of videos and online games to their advantage.
kids learning games online

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them!

Are you finding yourself faced with annoying online digital content your kids love? Learn the smooth saves that helped other parents to win. Here are some tips to create productive screen time for kids.